Please can you review the Terms and Conditions below as part of the application process, please read and agree to the conditions below before submitting your application. EDP is a scheme which is 12 – 24 months long which will require a lot of dedicated time, you will be required to give meaningful contribution in group activities as well as completion of modules so attendance to sessions is a crucial part of your learning. Attendance will be monitored closely so that we can ensure that participants’ levels of engagement maintain throughout the duration of the scheme, to ensure possible best outcomes of our participants.
The applicant confirms to have read, and agree to, the terms and conditions of this document.
The applicant confirms that:
1.1 I confirm that all the information provided in the application form is up-to-date and accurate.
1.2 I have full support in place from my Nominated Senior Leader, for me to commit to all aspects of learning, for the full duration of the EDP.
1.3 I will ensure that I keep the Talent Pipeline team informed of any changes in my information, to ensure accuracy.
1.4 I understand I am applying for the EDP which is a new NHS development offer. I will ensure I provide feedback and participate in evaluation when requested to do so, which includes after I finish the EDP.
1.5 I understand any information I provide in completing this application will be stored and processed in accordance with NHS England Data Privacy Policy, which I am required to read and accept before completing my application.
1.6 I understand my information will be used for reporting purposes as part of NHS England work.
1.7 I understand there may be audio recording, filming and photography of me taken whilst on the EDP. I agree that NHS England may use photographs, film, audio and video recordings of me made during the EDP to showcase the EDP including promoting it in the NHS, to Central Government, and to the public via the NHS England and NHS Improvement’s website or other media.
1.8 I explicitly consent to the data and information sharing as outlined in sections 1.5–1.7.
1.9 I understand that I can opt out of any aspect of the data and information sharing as outlined in sections 1.5–1.7 at any time by writing to
[email protected] that I wish this information to be withheld.
1.10 I understand that, if I opt out of any data and information sharing as outlined in section 1.8–1.10, I may not be able to be offered the optimal development opportunities the EDP aims to provide, and may not be able to complete the stages required for assessment onto the EDP.
1.11 I will ensure I access any online components of the EDP, e.g., engaging with a virtual community of EDP participants. I will make NHS England aware of any accessibility issues I have in this regard, so that appropriate support can be found before the EDP starts.
Attendance requirements –
1.12 It is a condition of acceptance onto the EDP scheme that:
You attend/complete 100% of:
Uni professional modules & commit to being present in the half day session
Compulsory multi-professional modules whether virtual or in person.
The selected virtual campus multi-professional modules that are part of your unique learning agenda
Attend the quarterly Pathway Groups
Pathway Guidance sessions (Coaching/Mentoring).
1.13 If in exceptional circumstances, you are unable to attend, you must confirm your reasons to the EDP team and to your Pathway Group Facilitator/Pathway Guide.
1.14 Only in exceptional circumstances will authorisation for non-attendance be granted. Such circumstances would be so exceptional that they would bring someone back from an overseas holiday (a busy workload, important meeting, or job change would not qualify).
1.15 If, under special circumstances, such as long term illness or accident, you are unable to continue the scheme or require to withdraw temporarily from a number of planned modules or groups, you can make a case to the EDP Senior Manager for you to be included in a future cohort or special arrangements to be made. Such requests will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
1.16 If participants fail to attend modules without informing the EDP team (DNA) on more than one occasion this will be communicated to the participant’s Executive Sponsor and Pathway Guide. Support will be given to the individual to understand what the barriers are to attendance and how this can be overcome.
1.17 Any travel needs must be arranged around the stated start and finish times of both workshops and learning sets and you should not seek permission to leave early or arrive late on any days.